Experimental Edge: Pre Work Routine

A pre work routine is a short set of mental and usually physical steps you take to switchover into working mode. This is one of the areas some people might be a little skeptical about, and that is fine.

Just know that many of the highest performers in business swear by having habits and routines that help get them started and keep them on track throughout the day.

You should experiment for yourself to see if you can find anything that works for you to take your work to the next level.

Routine for Entering Your Workspace

Making mental changes is often easier when it is accompanied by physical changes such as location. This is one of the reasons it is best to have a space dedicated for work if you want to be a high performer.

But you can also create a routine of stretching, doing a power pose, or some other physical action like turning in a circle to switchover into working mode when you enter your office or workspace.

Speaking a word or phrase aloud as part of your routine can be powerful as well. A very simple example routine would be to pause as you enter your office and say the same phrase each time you are preparing to work such as “I am working now” before you begin.

Routine for Recovering from an Interruption

You are truly blessed if you can go throughout the day with no interruptions at all. Most likely you have any number of things that could derail your work: a message from a loved one or a coworker, the call of nature, or some kind of client emergency.

The routine you have for recovering from an interruption could be the same as your routine for entering your workspace. You might just get up and do that to reset.

Or you could create a short routine that gets you back into flow quicker.

Again, experiment with various movements and phrases to signal your mind to return to your task. Make it fun and personal.

High Performance Habits

For more ideas on little habits you can introduce into your day to increase your effectiveness, check out High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard.